What are NFT tokens? era of non-fusible tokens
What are NFT tokens? era of non-fusible tokens
Namaskar Friends!
The hassle of cryptocurrency was not fully understood by the people that now the new discussions /talk of NFT tokens has started happening.
The first question that comes up is what are NFT tokens?
NFT full form is Non Fungible Token.
That is, tokens that are unique and non-fungible.
NFT tokens are also based on the blockchain method i.e. no one can copy them as they are unique.
Digital art 🎠|
Suppose you have the poster of famous movie and that poster is original and your friends have its copy.
So the price will be of your poster and not the copy of your friends' poster.
NFT tokens are a piece of original art.
Blockchain system works behind them, so their uniqueness is also verified.
That is, another use of the blockchain method is NFT tokens.
NFC tokens are digital assets that have unique character sticks.
Like bitcoin, ethereum or other altcoin NFT token can also be traded because they are on the blockchain and cannot be duplicated.
According to an estimate, 15 to 20 billion dollars of business is done in NFT in 1 day.
Like in crypto, bitcoin is king here ethereum is king. Open see is the market where you can buy or sell NFTs.
I believes that NFT is a way to make art music agreement anything unique and here Ethereum is to be believed.
NFT works to give immense power to the content creator
Through NFT, we can express our rights on any unique item or token.
NFT and Ethereum together will solve the problem where we need proof of ownership.
Example of some NFTs
nft tokens
Unique digital art work.
Unique game
Unique Poem Unique paper
such unique domain name domain and token and ticket etc.
The best thing about tokens is that they are also divisable, you can send ownership, you can divide it among any number of people like we do with digital currency cryptocurrency.
NFTs can be anything like GIF File Collective All Music Videos Simple Music Real World Items like Date of a Car and Tickets Event Tokenized Invoice Legal Document Signature on April 2nd Anything can be made NFT.
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