Top ten cities in Luxembourg
Top ten cities in Luxembourg
Top cities in Luxembourg |
Dikrech, Dikrich Diekirch
Diekirch this city have area of12.42 and it's population is 6,896 24 it's legal since February 1843.
Déifferdang Esch-sur-Alzette
Esch-sur-Alzette this city have area of 22.18 it's population is 24,805 legal date 4-Aug-07.
Diddeleng Esch-sur-Alzette
Diddeleng Esch-sur-Alzette City area is 21.38 km with population 20,003 legal since 4-Aug-07
Eechternoach Echternach
In Echternach this city have a population of 5,249 24 and 20.49 area Echternach legality February 1843.
Esch-Uelzecht Eechternoach Esch-sur-Alzette this city have area of 14.35, its population 33,939 law 29-May-06
Ettelbréck Diekirch this city have area 15.18 and population of 8,544 by law 4-Aug-07
Grevenmacher have area of 16.48 and population is 4,794 legal date 24 February 1843.
Lëtzebuerg Luxembourg
Luxembourg area is 51.46 and population is 115,227 legal date by law 24 February 1843
Remich have area 5.29 and population of 3,482 law 24 February 1843
Esch-sur-Alzette have area of 6.83 and
population residing is 5,422 law 4-Aug-07.
Vianden area 9.67 1, it's population is 918 24 got law on February 1843
Wolz, Wooltz
Wiltz it have area 19.37 population 6,522 law date is 24 February 1843.
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