What is Metaverse
Metaverse/ Virtual World/Metaverse/ A new Second Universe.
Metaverse is also a world just like the internet world. Metaverse will have more reality than the world of internet.
Your profile can be of many types on internet world but your profile on meta year will be a real profile and you will be responsible for the work or action done by you in metaverse like a living human being.
You can make virtual transactions in that virtual world, but the link to that virtual transaction must have been established with your actual transaction.
It is not that only Facebook is talking about the metaverse infact some technology companies also had a vision many years ago that they will create a parallel economy in the future. The talk of virtual world has been going on since long time ago.
Be it cryptocurrencies out there or NFT tokens, all of this is building up for the metaverse.
Profile in metaverse be like the virtual realities today we are trying to live through our Google glasses.
Profile in metaverse be Just like our leader doing rallies in election virtually.
Metaverse new vision of future |
In Matavarsha you can buy new things, sell old ones, using real money/digital currency or crypto currency, and sell or buy NFTs tokens.
Space is always available on metaverse let's build our image or profile on metaverse and enjoy the future of technology.
Here in metaverse through NFT you can own many things and build your wealth whose value is more than expected in future.
However this is a big business model where u will be charged heavily for entering this metaverse for transection/ purchase eg NFTs.
These token uploaded with a transection fee.
You can trade from metaverse to the real world too 🌍.
As this is linked to real world many works will be done in metaverse.
I need not to go to long distance far most countries to sign a deal but my metaverse profile can go there and sign the deal on my behalf. This deal will hold authentication same as if I signed the deal in real world. It is based on block chain technology. So it is tight and secure.
So new world of possibilities is waiting in metaverse.
In case any questions please do write in comment box.
Happy metaverse!
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