
Showing posts from 2016

How to do river rafting?

How to do rafting? It is human nature to enjoy the thrills of life. He invent lots of adventure sports which give him thrills and joy.River rafting is one of the famous adventure sports. What is rafting? Rafting is the the game to play in river in which a team of rafter work in co ordination so that they can take the raft along with river crossing the tides, ripples rides and making the balance. Preparations before the rafting 1. inflated boat: properly inflated boat with air, Check out for any leakage. 2. wear easy clothes like track pants and t-shirts. 3. Safety gear: take good quality life jackets and helmets. Put on with the help of other so that it can be properly fitted. 4. learn who to use battens. Main stroke when in the raft Forward stroke : this is used most while be rafting forward, all team members of the rafting have to lean forward and outward to give forward stroke altogether. Backward stroke: this is to slow down the raft to achieve the balance.all...

How to make rangoli

Given below are some easy and good design which can utilise in upcoming festival session. Enjoy your rangoli. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How a Wi-Fi adapter works

Today technology gear up to such extent that everyone wants to be updated. No one wants to be in trap of wires and switches. in order to replace the old wire technology now new system is available which can make your life techno savy and tension free. Your desktop may be old but it can receive the Wi-Fi signal from your router broadband. What is a Wi-Fi adapter:- Wi-Fi adapter  USB or Wi-Fi adapter  or a dongle  plugs into one of your desktop or laptop universal serial bus (USB) ports, allowing you to connect to a wireless network in the home, office, or a public place. You can use this connection to access shared files, devices, and documents, or to connect to the Internet. This is very handy alternative for those using computers that do not have integrated network adapters to system. Adding to this USB device is often less expensive than a replacement network card.  But adapters likely to be bulkier than dongles, but more powerful. However, dongles f...

how to make false ka sharbat

False or phalse is a Barry fruit which is found in northern India. Season for it is mostly April to June when it is available in large. People eat it to beat the heat and also prepare sharvat for same reason. False for sharvat  Procedure : 1. Take 250 grand of false in a mixture and run it for 2 minutes by adding one lt water to it. 2. Take out whole indegradient to a filter and add the filtered liquid to mixer jar. 3. Add 4 teaspoon of sugar, half lemon and again run for one minute in mixture. 4. Add ice cubes and run the mixture again. 5. Garnish this liquid with mint and lemon to serve. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

how to get a smooth shave.

how to get a smooth shave.  Smooth shave is important to look like a gentle man. Not only women but everyone like to see a man as clean shaved. Clean shave is also a sign of formal look. Smooth shaven employee look like a fresh enthusiastic workplace lover. Sometime clean-shaven person may not look charming because his face is not smoothly shaven, so it is very important if you are clean shaved you should be smooth clean shaven. Here given below are tips to get clean shave whish is also smoothly clean-shaven. All of first always start your shave with cleansing milk massage, if possible it should be a good herbal cleansing milk and moisturiser combo.  After this massage wipe out the remaining cleansing milk from the face. Now apply shaving cream/ gel from good company. Froth or foam should be evenly distributed and applicated on the area of shave . Wash your hands and take a razor of good quality and shave off the face. One coat of shave will never be enough so a...

how to calculate expiry date of your L.P.G. gas cylinder

L.P.G.गैस सिलेण्डर की भी "एक्सपायरी डेट" होती है। अपने परिवार की सुरक्षा के लिए 2 मिनिट का समय निकाल कर इसे अवश्य पढ़े...!!! L.P.G.गैस सिलेण्डर की भी "एक्सपायरी डेट" होती है। एक्सपायरी डेट निकलने के बाद गैस सिलेण्डर को इस्तेमाल करना बम की तरह खरतनाक हो सकता है। आमतौर पर गैस सिलेण्डर की रिफील लेते समय उपभोक्ताओं का ध्यान इसके वजन और सील पर ही होता है। उन्हें सिलेण्डर की एक्सपायरी डेट की जानकारी ही नहीं होती। इसी का फायदा एलपीजी की आपूर्ति करने वाली कंपनियां उठाती हैं और धड़ल्ले से एक्पायरी डेट वाले सिलेण्डर रिफील कर हमारे घरों तक पहुंचाती हैं। यहीं कारण है कि गैस सिलेण्डरों से हादसे होते हैं। ~कैसे पता करें एक्सपायरी डेट~ सिलेण्डर के उपरी भाग पर उसे पकड़ने के लिए गोल रिंग होती है और इसके नीचे तीन पट्टियों में से एक पर काले रंग से सिलेण्डर की एक्सपायरी डेट अंकित होती है। इसके तहत अंग्रेजी में A, B, C तथा D अक्षर अंकित होते है तथा साथ में दो अंक लिखे होते हैं। A अक्षर साल की पहली तिमाही (जनवरी से मार्च), B साल की दूसरी तिमाही (अप्रेल से जून), C साल...

Mouth odors hack

Did you know that lettuce calms the nerves and absorbs odors Recent research results, stressed the usefulness of lettuce in calming the nerves, one of the most important allaktokariom material effects calm the nerves. And research shows that lettuce used to pain, blood cleaner, soothing and Melina, and is good for constipation, Because it contains a large amount of fiber as well as the tranquilizer, vitamin a. It also affects the absorption of odours, Due to the chlorophyll substance which absorbs odors from the body, Therefore use immediately after eating garlic and onions to get rid of the unpleasant their smells. Lettuce is one of the most important vegetables is to moisturize stomach soothing cough, It also resists stomach acidity, especially its seeds which are used as an analgesic and hypnotic, Lettuce is used to treat skin infections and redness and pain Burns Where fresh lettuce leaves are used as topical plasters For pain and remove tumors and infections ...

How to make Rice Casserole or pulao

How to make Rice Casserole or  pulao Look at the given below slide to  make plane pulao or rice design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to make ghiye ka rayta?

Ghiye  ka Raita is a good salad Indian recipe. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to overcome a fobia

How to overcome a fobia? Fobia are the fears from particular things it may be from dark, height, or narrow spaces. Some people have fears of insects and reptiles. Some people even have fobia of unknown people. These fobias can be overpowered as I have overpowered my fobia from stage. I was suffering from stage fobia from the early childhood day. I never went to stage during my schooling. You have to fight your fears by your own. Practice it from time to time make a hard willpower to fight this. Always talk to yourself that you have to do this thing and no body can stop you from this, if this feeling come truely from your heart means you won your half battle. Practice make a man perfect. Always practice the thing you want to achieve in your life whether it's your win over fobia or anything else. Never loose a hope if you failed in your initial attempt never think it is the end. End means efforts never dies. So try again and again to win. design magazine bl...

How to sing a song?

How to sing a song. Singing is art and everyone should enjoy this art. To sing a song we need following things ready Lyrics of the song Music of the song And rehashed artists. Firstly learned the song by heart you want to sing . Don't afrrraid of the singing and from dear audience.  Listen the music carefully and try to sing along with it. Catch the tubes of the songs. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to speed up your PC

How to speed up your PC Step 1 Make Some Upgrades  All ways make updates according to required needs Step 2  Speed Up Your Startup Remove unnecessary startup programms from computer on start. Step 3  Clear It Out  Always clean with ccleaner your computer and it is free remove internet explorer install Google chrome. Step 4 Slim Down Always try to run slimmer lighter softwares to run on your computer like vlc media player. Step 5 Automate Your Updates    Clean directory and fragmentation of disk is good to have regularly. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

Yahoo search

How to Yahoo search, how to search Yahoo, how to search fast on Yahoo, Top Yahoo searches, Search any thing in simple steps Step 1 Go to Yahoo search box and type in simple word what you want to know about. Step 2. Press enter. You will get results about your typed word. We careful about the results as top search results may be of paid category. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

Bing search

How to Bing search, how to search Bing, how to search fast on Bing, Top Bing searches, Search any thing in simple steps Step 1 Go to Bing search box and type in simple word what you want to know about. Step 2. Press enter. You will get results about your typed word. We careful about the results as top search results may be of paid category. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to Google search

How to Google search, how to search Google, how to search fast on Google, Top Google searches, Search any thing in simple steps Step 1 Go to Google search box and type in simple word what you want to know about. Step 2. Press enter. You will get results about your typed word. We careful about the results as top search results may be of paid category. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to play kho kho

How to play kho kho Kho kho is a Indian game mostly played in schools and colleges across the country. Originally it is evolved for farmers land where kids use to spend time after harvesting of crop. In these Kindergarden children use to dig two holes and fix two wooden poles in these. 12 people can play in a team but only 9 are allowed to play at same time. A match consists of two innings with each inning consisting of chasing and running turns of 9 minutes each.  One team kneels in the middle of the court, in a row, with adjacent members facing opposite directions.  The runners take to the field, 3 at a time and the team that takes the shortest time to tap all the opponents in the field, wins.  There is a pole on each end and the runner can go between two players who are sitting in face to opposite side manner, but the chaser is not allowed to turn back while running and go between the players. Chaser can go to pole and touch it and can go back or go to other...

How to wear off contact lens

First  thoroughly wash and dry your hands with soap and a clean towel. Second Look up at the ceiling and pull down your lower eye lid. Tip: To avoid mixing up your contact lenses, always apply (and remove) them in the same order and in different storage box. Third Bring your index finger close to your eye gently until you touch the lower edge of the lens. Fourth Slowly slide the lens down to the lower white part of your eye. Fifth Gently squeeze the lens inward between your thumb and index finger and remove it. Sixth Remove the other lens following the same procedure. Place your lenses safely according to the instructions given by manufacturers. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,