
Showing posts from May, 2016

how to get a smooth shave.

how to get a smooth shave.  Smooth shave is important to look like a gentle man. Not only women but everyone like to see a man as clean shaved. Clean shave is also a sign of formal look. Smooth shaven employee look like a fresh enthusiastic workplace lover. Sometime clean-shaven person may not look charming because his face is not smoothly shaven, so it is very important if you are clean shaved you should be smooth clean shaven. Here given below are tips to get clean shave whish is also smoothly clean-shaven. All of first always start your shave with cleansing milk massage, if possible it should be a good herbal cleansing milk and moisturiser combo.  After this massage wipe out the remaining cleansing milk from the face. Now apply shaving cream/ gel from good company. Froth or foam should be evenly distributed and applicated on the area of shave . Wash your hands and take a razor of good quality and shave off the face. One coat of shave will never be enough so a...

how to calculate expiry date of your L.P.G. gas cylinder

L.P.G.गैस सिलेण्डर की भी "एक्सपायरी डेट" होती है। अपने परिवार की सुरक्षा के लिए 2 मिनिट का समय निकाल कर इसे अवश्य पढ़े...!!! L.P.G.गैस सिलेण्डर की भी "एक्सपायरी डेट" होती है। एक्सपायरी डेट निकलने के बाद गैस सिलेण्डर को इस्तेमाल करना बम की तरह खरतनाक हो सकता है। आमतौर पर गैस सिलेण्डर की रिफील लेते समय उपभोक्ताओं का ध्यान इसके वजन और सील पर ही होता है। उन्हें सिलेण्डर की एक्सपायरी डेट की जानकारी ही नहीं होती। इसी का फायदा एलपीजी की आपूर्ति करने वाली कंपनियां उठाती हैं और धड़ल्ले से एक्पायरी डेट वाले सिलेण्डर रिफील कर हमारे घरों तक पहुंचाती हैं। यहीं कारण है कि गैस सिलेण्डरों से हादसे होते हैं। ~कैसे पता करें एक्सपायरी डेट~ सिलेण्डर के उपरी भाग पर उसे पकड़ने के लिए गोल रिंग होती है और इसके नीचे तीन पट्टियों में से एक पर काले रंग से सिलेण्डर की एक्सपायरी डेट अंकित होती है। इसके तहत अंग्रेजी में A, B, C तथा D अक्षर अंकित होते है तथा साथ में दो अंक लिखे होते हैं। A अक्षर साल की पहली तिमाही (जनवरी से मार्च), B साल की दूसरी तिमाही (अप्रेल से जून), C साल...

Mouth odors hack

Did you know that lettuce calms the nerves and absorbs odors Recent research results, stressed the usefulness of lettuce in calming the nerves, one of the most important allaktokariom material effects calm the nerves. And research shows that lettuce used to pain, blood cleaner, soothing and Melina, and is good for constipation, Because it contains a large amount of fiber as well as the tranquilizer, vitamin a. It also affects the absorption of odours, Due to the chlorophyll substance which absorbs odors from the body, Therefore use immediately after eating garlic and onions to get rid of the unpleasant their smells. Lettuce is one of the most important vegetables is to moisturize stomach soothing cough, It also resists stomach acidity, especially its seeds which are used as an analgesic and hypnotic, Lettuce is used to treat skin infections and redness and pain Burns Where fresh lettuce leaves are used as topical plasters For pain and remove tumors and infections ...

How to make Rice Casserole or pulao

How to make Rice Casserole or  pulao Look at the given below slide to  make plane pulao or rice design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to make ghiye ka rayta?

Ghiye  ka Raita is a good salad Indian recipe. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,

How to overcome a fobia

How to overcome a fobia? Fobia are the fears from particular things it may be from dark, height, or narrow spaces. Some people have fears of insects and reptiles. Some people even have fobia of unknown people. These fobias can be overpowered as I have overpowered my fobia from stage. I was suffering from stage fobia from the early childhood day. I never went to stage during my schooling. You have to fight your fears by your own. Practice it from time to time make a hard willpower to fight this. Always talk to yourself that you have to do this thing and no body can stop you from this, if this feeling come truely from your heart means you won your half battle. Practice make a man perfect. Always practice the thing you want to achieve in your life whether it's your win over fobia or anything else. Never loose a hope if you failed in your initial attempt never think it is the end. End means efforts never dies. So try again and again to win. design magazine bl...

How to sing a song?

How to sing a song. Singing is art and everyone should enjoy this art. To sing a song we need following things ready Lyrics of the song Music of the song And rehashed artists. Firstly learned the song by heart you want to sing . Don't afrrraid of the singing and from dear audience.  Listen the music carefully and try to sing along with it. Catch the tubes of the songs. design magazine bloglist how it works how stuff works httyd wiki how howstuffworks shaved head beardall james bond ,shaved hair, james bond,